How new Franke coffee machines helped a Swiss petrol station chain to drive coffee turnover

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9 am is rush hour in Swiss petrol station shops. It is a tradition in Swiss businesses to have a break at that time in the morning to get coffee and croissant or similar. During this period of the day also Landi Sursee petrol stations are very busy and the coffee machines run almost non-stop. Fast and frictionless opertions are key during those peak times. Besides the operation also the in-cup quality is important. Swiss consumers have a very high expectation when it comes to their coffee. They easily change their buying habits if the quality does not meet their expectations.

Therefore, Landi Sursee, a leading operator of petrol stations and retail shops in Switzerland, was looking for a partner who can provide both -  coffee machines with very high, consistent in-cup quality and smooth operations. They found the right parther with Franke Coffee Systems. Since November 2018 Franke A800 machines deliver best coffee experiences day by day in all Landi Sursee petrol station shops in Switzerland.

Results that speak for themselves

Landi is a traditional Swiss brand that is well known and respected. It is organized in regions. Landi Sursee manages one of the largest cooperative areas in Switzerland. Landi Sursee operates four petrol stations and connected retail shops. Thomas Bolliger, Member of the Management Team of Landi Sursee, is primarily responsible for the infrastructure as well as the strategic and operational management of all businesses.

“Since the new A800 machines have been in operation coffee sales has grown by 16.5%. But not only sales numbers are relevant for us. The total cost of ownership is important as well. Also here we have been able to achieve much better results than before. We lowered our costs by 13.7 % in the last year”, explains Thomas Bolliger, Member of the Management Team of Landi Sursee, the impressive results.

In total the switch to Franke has been a remarkable success for Landi Sursee. While growing sales and lowering costs  also customer satisfaction has risen. Due to a new variety of drinks customer stop by more often and express very positive feedback for the new offering. Customers can now choose between attractive products such as cappuccino, latte macchiatto with warm or cold foam and seasonal coffee with cinnamon flavour. Compared to other shop locations, this represents a unique selling point in coffee sales.

And Thomas Bolliger points out another important feature that supports them on a daily basis: “Especially the big and intuitive touchscreen is very attractive for our customers. They can choose on the spot what kind of drink they would like – seeing the actual beverages already on the screen. Because of the self-service environment it is important for us to offer easy-to-use coffee machines that can be operated without too much support from our staff. This allows our employees to focus on their main duties – serving our customers – and not the coffee machine”, says Thomas Bolliger.

The A800 – a capacity heavyweight

The fully-automatic coffee machine A800 was developed in order to respond to a growing demand for beverage variety and quality, while guaranteeing optimum results in even the most hectic situations thanks to its outstanding efficiency. It is built for top performance, through and through.

Maximum individuality

The A800 caters for every possible taste in drinks as it provides customers with every option imaginable. It can be fitted with up to three coffee grinders, a double powder dosing system for chocolate, or even a flavor station and a cup warmer. The A800 is also flexible when it comes to chilling the milk. This wealth of possibilities did convince Bolliger and Landi Sursee to go for the A800 system. It gave them the opportunity to choose the best fitting A800 system per shop, e.g. for flavoured drinks in shops that are more frequented by younger consumers or suitable payment systems to relieve staff.

“Franke offers us the whole package: We can choose flexibly which system we need, we can rely on very high in-cup quality and operation costs that are very much reasonable”, sums Thomas Bolliger up.

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